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The 3 Steps To Winter Ready Rentals

The 3 Steps To Winter Ready Rentals

If there’s one thing you can never be too sure of working in the Denver Property Management Industry, it’s the weather. Don’t let the 300 days of annual sunshine fool you, Colorado is also home to record-breaking snowfalls. Just when you think Mother Nature has made up her mind, give her 15 more minutes. The weather is known to change drastically and rapidly. We cannot stress the importance of prepping properties for the winter in Denver! From our experience as property managers, we decided to compile a list of the TOP 3 WAYS to ensure your rental is winter-ready.

Here are some Words From The Walters:

Maintain the Proper Temperature

One of the absolute best steps landlords can take to guarantee the interior of their property is maintained throughout winter is to make certain that it is properly heated. Double-check for any cracks or leaks that may be allowing heat to escape. In order to prevent the pipes from freezing and bursting aim to retain a temperature above or around 55 degrees.

Perimeter Inspection

This is something many property managers could easily forget to consider, although it has some of the highest potential for serious damage. Snow and ice storms can weigh down heavy tree branches that may cause breakages that could create an obstacle, damage vehicles, harm the property, or even harm tenants. A simple assessment of the property's perimeter can prevent incidents such as this.

Be Prepared for Snow

Property managers should always strive to be a step ahead of the weather by being fully prepared for snow and ice removal. Have the salts, snowblowers, and shovels ready for the season before it's too late. Property management companies that do not already provide these services should definitely consider contracting a snow removal team. Taking this precaution prevents tenant injuries and any possibility of a lawsuit.
