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Protecting Your Denver Rental Property for the Spring and Summer

Protecting Your Denver Rental Property for the Spring and Summer

In Denver, we’re lucky enough to experience all of the seasons, and that means you have to ensure your rental property is prepared for them. Once the long and cold winter is over, it’s time to start thinking about the warmer days of spring and summer months. To keep your property well-maintained, make sure you have a maintenance plan in place and a schedule for inspections and cleanings.

Pay Attention to Your Lawn

Schedule regular lawn maintenance for your rental property. Some landlords want to leave this for the tenants to handle, but the tenants are not going to keep up with it as regularly as they should. Have a company take care of the mowing and the weeding once spring rolls around. Hiring a professional lawn maintenance team will ensure your landscaping is protected and your home continues to look attractive. When you get on a regular service plan, it won’t be too expensive, and you can include the cost in the rent when you’re setting your rental price.

Clean and Inspect Gutters

Your gutters will need to be cleaned out every spring. After the rain and ice of the winter, it’s possible that the gutters will be clogged with leaves, sticks, and other debris. Have those cleaned out so you don’t put your house at risk for water damage, leaks, and moisture issues. This is another service that should be performed by professionals. You don’t want your tenants to get on a ladder and try to clean out the gutters. If they fall or something breaks, you’re looking at additional expenses and a lot of liability.

Maintain your Sprinkler System

Sprinklers will need your attention in the spring and summer months. Close any manual drains that were left open while the sprinklers were off for the winter. Open and pressurize the main sprinkler valves and run the entire system, looking for leaks and damage to piping and sprinkler heads which may have occurred over the winter months. Adjust the spray patterns and the timing so your sprinklers will be ready to water your lawn.

Inspect Cooling Systems

Tenants will begin to use the air conditioning during the spring and summer, so make sure the cooling system is in good shape and ready to function. An HVAC technician can check the swamp cooler and the condenser as well as the compressor. Make sure the tenants know how often to change the air filters. Your heating and cooling system is probably one of the most expensive systems in your property. It’s important to maintain it so you can avoid expensive repairs and replacements. Have the unit thoroughly inspected and cleaned before your tenants begin using the air. We generally conduct two inspections per year at the properties we manage. Schedule a time with your tenant to take a look around so you can share some tips for spring and summer property maintenance. You’ll want to make sure your tenants are operating the home efficiently and properly. 

If you need any help preparing for warmer weather, contact us at Walters & Company Property Management.
