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Protecting Your Denver Rental Property for the Fall and Winter Seasons

Protecting Your Denver Rental Property for the Fall and Winter Seasons

While Denver gets its share of snow in the wintertime, the season is usually pretty mild, with temperatures hovering in the 40s and the 50s for most of the fall and winter months. However, you need to take some precautions with your rental properties so they remain well-maintained. Today, we’re sharing some of the things you want to consider when you’re putting together a seasonal maintenance plan for your investment homes.

Inspect and Service the Heating Unit

Your tenants will need heat throughout the fall and the winter, so make sure your furnace and heating units are working the way they should. It’s a good idea to have a professional HVAC technician come out to your property to inspect, clean, and service the unit. This will prevent a problem during the winter. Schedule a technician in September or October so you can be sure your system will be all set for the winter. You don’t want to get a phone call from your tenants on the coldest night of the year that the heat won’t turn on.

Check for Water and Insulation

Water will damage a property faster than anything else. Before winter sets in, check and clean the gutters. You don’t want a lot of debris building up there because it will force water into the house. Check your roof too, and make sure there aren’t any holes or missing shingles. Look under sinks and appliances to be certain there are no leaks or wet spots. Make sure the property is well-insulated. Inspect the windows and doors. Trim back any tree branches or bushes that might break windows during a wind storm.

Safety Systems and Batteries

You should check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors twice a year, and this is a good time to do it. Make sure batteries are changed, and be sure the detectors are functional in the home. Check your fire extinguishers as well and make sure your tenants are aware of safety procedures and evacuation routes in the event of a major snow or ice storm. If power is lost, make sure there’s a plan in place for keeping your tenants safe and your property habitable. Train your tenants on what to do if the pipes freeze.

Landscaping and Lawn Care

If you’re renting out a single-family home or if you have a multi-unit property with a lot of outdoor space, make sure you prepare the landscaping for colder weather. You probably won’t need to water the lawn as much, so turn off any sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems. This is a good time to add fertilizer to your grass to prepare it for growth in the spring. Trim back any dead leaves or branches and bring in any flowers or plants that cannot survive colder temperatures. Seasonal maintenance needs to be a part of your overall rental property maintenance plan. 

If you’d like some help maintaining and protecting your Denver rental property, please contact us at Walters & Company Property Management.
