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Property Management Blog

How to Use Technology in Your Rental Properties

At this point, so many of our home devices are considered smart devices, including our security cameras, lighting, and thermostats. Smart home technology has become highly accessible and easy to install. Adding them to your properties can make them more attractive to renters. Let’s talk about how you can add technology to your rental properties.

How to Use Technology in Your Rental Properties

One easy way to add technology to your rentals is to add smart locks. Smart locks are a great way to add extra security to your property without adding a full home security system. Additionally, using a smart lock is a very convenient way to change locks between tenants. You can also allow contractors or real estate agents in and out of the property without having to be present. For this reason, utilizing smart locks can give peace of mind to you and your tenant. You can also install smart home technology inside the rental properties. Items such as smart LED light bulbs and smart thermostats can help reduce energy costs and save money over time. Smart LED light bulbs last far longer than incandescent bulbs, especially when you consider the fact that they are programmable. Additionally, a smart thermostat can save on energy costs whether you control the utilities in your rental property or not.  There are many small ways you can add technology to your properties, from installing smart LED lights in bathrooms and hallways to investing in a full security system. Adding smart technology to your property can be a huge selling point for potential renters and can save you money in the long run. If you are a property owner looking to improve the value of your property, you may want to look into hiring a property manager. A property management company, such as Walters & Company, can help you ensure that your property is appealing to the market and help you navigate all the ends and outs of property management.  